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Saturday 11 January 2014

Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.1 Updater Only

What’s new in Adobe After Effects CS6 11.0.1:
Features added or changed in this update:
* The Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 (a new Kepler-class GPU) can now be used for GPU acceleration of the ray-traced 3D renderer on Windows. Note: An additional delay (approximately one minute) will occur the first time that you start After Effects with a Kepler-class GPU as the new ray-traced 3D library is initialized. Installation of updated display drivers may require this initialization step again.
* Enabled basic support for the AtomKraft composition renderer (requires plug-ins from Jupiter Jazz).

Bugs fixed in this update:
* Several bugs with the global performance cache were fixed, which were causing the cache to not be invalidated at some times when it should have been. This meant that sometimes old, invalid image information was being read from the cache and used instead of re-rendering when an aspect of the composition had changed.
* If you encounter a remaining bug of this sort, purging the cache will generally fix the problem (choosing Edit > Purge > All Image Memory to clear RAM cache and Empty Disk Cache in Media & Disk Cache preferences to clear disk cache). If you encounter such a bug after installing this update, let us know by submitting a detailed bug report, being especially certain to list any third-party effects used.
* One remaining known issue of this sort relates to font substitution: If you load a project with a missing font, After Effects will substitute a placeholder font. If you then install the missing font, After Effects may not update cached image information with the new font. So, if you install a font after loading a project for which that font was reported as missing, purge the cache to force the cached image information to be updated with the new font.
* Effects that use the composition camera (e.g., Shatter) did not render correctly in orthogonal and custom views, or when changing the active camera.
* After Effects would crash when evaluating some expressions, including expressions added by the Ease & Wizz script, expressions using the this keyword, in-line functions, and nested functions.
* After Effects was returning an error “After Effects Error: Ray Traced 3D: … (5070::0)” under various circumstances. Several of these have been isolated and fixed. If you get such an error message after installing this update, let us know by submitting a detailed bug report.
* Crash on quit if Nvidia cards running in Maximus configuration are running in TCC mode (on Windows).
* Crash using 3D Camera Tracker effect.
* Crash resetting Puppet effect.
* Unexpected results using Mask Feather tool in various circumstances.
* Black frames appeared in MXF footage from Canon EOS C300 camera.
* Canon 5D MKIII 720p footage was imported with the wrong timecode.
* Error occurred when setting a proxy to a nested composition: “After Effects error: Internal verification failure, sorry! {Src and dest bitdepths are different in PF_World::CopyRect} (37::109)”
* Snapping and using the J and K keys to move to keyframes and other items in the Graph Editor didn’t work.
* Using the Clone Stamp tool expanded property groups in the Timeline panel.
* SDK: The AUTOMATIC_WIDE_TIME flag was not working correctly with the NON_PARAM_VARY flag.
* SDK: The AUTOMATIC_WIDE_TIME flag was returning an empty region when attempting to check out a layer at the current time.


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