How does this Online APK Downloader works?
Well, there's a group of monkeys working behind the scene 24/7 to fetch your apps that you want to download
Is the file that I downloaded same in Google Play?
Yes, Please do a MD5 file check if you have doubts
Can I download paid apps?
To prevent piracy, you are not allowed to download paid apps
How many new APK Evozi can generate per day?
Currently we are able to generate around 1400 new apk files per day. Our quota will normally run out quicky.If we run out of quota please use Chrome Extension to download your apk file
Can I download my apps using HTTPS?
Yes, just replace the download link with https
When I click Generate Download Link does it connect to secure connection?
Yes, the request will be made in secure connection (https). Update - To reduce load we are making connection via http. Period.
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