Do you want to make your own Batch antivirus that can detect Batch viruses and scan Batch files? There's a little bit complicated step for this.
1. Open Notepad
2. Type the code at the next step:
@echo off
color cb
title Batch Antivirus
echo ===============
echo [ Batch-Master]
echo ===============
echo If There's no message ,You are protected.
set /p a=Enter a batch file to scan:
for /f %%x in (
'findstr /i /m "virus r.i.p byebye HaHaHa Hacked Hack" %a%.bat'
) do (
if /i %%x equ %a%.bat (
for /f %%z in (
'findstr /i /b /m "tskill del copy shutdown ipconfig ren reg" %a%.bat'
) do (
if /i %%z equ %a%.bat (
echo Virus Detected!!
del %a%.bat
echo %a%.bat was deleted....
pause >nul
pause >nul
3. Save this code as "antivirus.bat"
4. Open this batch file.
If there's a strange Batch file ,scan it using this antivirus.
If there's error in the code, please fix my code.
Please test this antivirus,except for the extremely harmful batch files that your real antivirus can detect.
note: it can only help your computer to detect ONLY Batch viruses..
please install a real Antivirus Program
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